The Other Spring Cleaning: What To Know About Teeth Whitening
They say first impressions are everything. When you need to make a good first impression, make sure your teeth are working for you and not against. Teeth are the thing we notice first, so why not keep them sparkling white. A survey revealed that 58% of men notice a woman’s teeth first when judging whether they fancy them.
Cosmetic teeth whitening, when done properly, can be highly effective with long lasting results. While teeth whitening is safe and effective, it does not replace your regular dental appointment. In fact, T. Alexandria prefers clients who see their dentist regularly, preferably every 6 months, prior to their teeth whitening session.
Common questions as it relates to teeth whitening:
Is it safe?
Absolutely!!! At T. Alexandria we utilize a Blue LED, also referred to as a cold light, meaning it can’t burn the soft tissues. The Blue LED light offers the most benefits with no drawbacks and no true side effects.
What are the common side effects?
With any teeth whitening treatment, common side effects include: gum/teeth sensitivity and blanching. Blanching occurs when the teeth and/or gums turn white; however, this side effect is temporary and normally subsides in 1-2 days. To treat blanching, at T. Alexandria we have the client rinse well and apply a mineral to the teeth and vitamin E to the gums to assist with returning the gums to normal within 5-20 minutes.
How long does the results last?
How long the results will last depends on 2 main factors:
1. Your habits
2. The porosity of your teeth
If you expose your teeth to staining agents such as tobacco, coffee, red wine, tea, colas, etc. on a regular basis, your whitening results will not last as long. If you have naturally porous enamel, your teeth will be more vulnerable to staining agents and your teeth will get stained again sooner than the average person. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing ahead of time how porous your teeth are. Generally speaking, if you have porous enamel and you expose your teeth to staining agents on a regular basis, your results may last for only 6 months. If you have non-porous enamel and you don’t expose your teeth to staining beverages on a regular basis, the results may last for up to 2 years.
How long are the teeth whitening session?
At T. Alexandria we offer double and triple sessions, both done in one sitting. A double session is 40 minutes in length and a triple session is 60 minutes in length.
What does the aftercare consist of?
Do not eat or drink anything except water for the first hour after treatment because the gel opens the pores of the enamel and makes the teeth very vulnerable to staining agents. If you purchased a touch-up pen or a take-home kit (which is highly recommended in order to avoid color regression) be aware that the pores of your enamel will remain open for as long as you use it so you should refrain from staining agents till you stop using the pen. You can resume your normal habits 24 hours after you conclude the touch-up pen treatment. Also, be aware that drinks and food are not the only things that can stain our teeth when the pores are open; lipstick, for example, can stain too. Do NOT apply lipstick soon after whitening your teeth. Please follow “The White Diet” 24-48 hours after the treatment, which basically means, avoid foods and/or beverages that contain color and acid that will stain the teeth.
Click here to book your session today!